Nichols, Adam-My Blog

Interactive Technology for Corporate Training and eLearning: The Future of Corporate Training and eLearning




The topics I hope to cover are corporate training and eLearning, and how intercative technology plays a role in each of those fields. I will provide information on interactive technology and how it can be intregrated into each of these areas.


Anticipated Audience:


Professionals in Corporate Training and eLearning and/or students interested in either of these field.


Blog Used:





Widgets Used:


Gravatar: About Me-I feel it is important for the reader to have a some background on the author's education and professional career. It gives the reader some frame of reference about the author's expertise and experiences on the subject.


Blog Subscriptions via Email: If a reader is interested in the subject on the blog then they most likely would want to stay up to date with its content. Providing a blog subscription via email allows them to do just that.


Tag Cloud: If a reader is looking for information on a particular topic or subject they can use a tag cloud to navigate them to all posts based on the tag. For example if they are looking for information related to cloud computing there is a tag for that subject and they can select it and be directed to all posts containing related information on cloud computing.


Calendar: This can provide information on upcoming seminars and events surrounding the related topics of the blog.



Theme used:


INove provided by Wordpress: I thought this looked really clean and professional.




Thoughts/reactions about using a moderated blog versus an invited reader blog:


I personally prefer the moderated blog versus an invited user blog. This way anyone who may be interested in these particular topics can find the blog and contribute after an approval from the author. Plus information is useful to them as well and they wouldn't have been able to access it if the blog was invite only.