Stazel, David

PART 1 - Find three blogs in your current job and/or anticipated career field. (Two ways to search blog, if you haven't done so before is to use: Google Blog Search and Technorati).  You can search for Blogs or Posts about a particular topic.


On the class wiki:



Blog Name  Blog Url  How is the Blog Being Used?  Moderated? 

Philip Greenspun's


This blog contains random postings by the author on a variety of topics.  He lists

his topics are academia, computer nerdism, flying, and uncategorized. 

CAAFlog   The blog is used to discuss recent decisions by the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces.  Yes 

National Institute of

Military Justice  

This blog is intended for military justice professional to remain current on issues pertinent to the

practice of military criminal law. 

Word of Mouth

This is a blog hosted by Articulate Director of Customer Advocacy Gabe Anderson where he shares his

passion for all things tech and his enjoyment of learning from Articulate customers.

The Visual Lounge

The Visual Lounge lets users find out about TechSmith behind-the-scenes.  The blog has screencasts and

videos from customers and provides a number of tips and tricks. 




PART 2 -


Your topic/theme of your blog  E-learning for Legal Offices
Anticipated audience 

Members of the legal community and anyone interested in how they

can put e-learning to work as a corporate training tool. 

Blog used  Wordpress 

List the widget(s) you are going to use and

explain why you chose them for your blog. 

- twitter

- email subscription



Theme used  Enterprise 

Thoughts/reactions to using a moderated versus

an invited reader blog

Invited reader blogs are much easier to manage, although the blog owner does relinquish

a certain level of control over the content.  This does not mean that the blog owner loses

control, just that there is always the possibility that undesirable content will be immediately 

visible to all readers.  Depending on the audience or topic, invited reader blogs do have

value.  Internal blogs, for example, are ideally suited for this release of control.


On the other hand, moderated blogs are excellent when the audience is broad, or if the topic

is controversial.  The moderation, although requiring more effort on the blog owner's part,

prevents undesirable, inflammatory, or derogatory posts from being seen. 


I have found, both through this assignment as well as an internal blog that my organization has,

that moderated blogs are labor intensive.  They require the blog owner to become involved

with the decision to release any comment.  That editorial requirement can be construed as

censorship when a comment is blocked.