Evans, Traci- Blog Assignment

PART 1 - Find three blogs in your current job and/or anticipated career field. (Two ways to search blog, if you haven't done so before is to use: Google Blog Search and Technorati).  You can search for Blogs or Posts about a particular topic.


On the class wiki:




Blog Name  Blog URL  How the Blog is being Used?  Moderated 
Resources For Teachers  http://www.resources-teachers.info/  This blog is a list of resources for teachers compiled by Dominic P. Tremblay, an elementary teacher in Canada. It provides an assortment of resources on a daily basis.  No 
Making Teachers Nerdy  http://mrssmoke.onsugar.com/   This blog is tech integration tips and web links to increase teacher nerdiness levels.  No 
Ask a Tech Teacher http://askatechteacher.wordpress.com/category/technology/ This blog offers lesson plans, tech tips, great websites to integrate technology into the curriculum, current trends in tech ed and technology standards. No